August, 2018 Monthly Horoscope

Every two months, a portion of my horoscope below is featured in the Haida Gwaii Trader Magazine:



Dearest Aries, your friends or community members might need some helpful advice from you or for you to dive in and help them with a project. If you can mentor a young person to see something that they haven’t considered before, you would be fulfilling a calling that this month demands. You are out in the public eye and are an expert in your field. So shine that expertise brightly. 
Keywords: Aspirations, Community building, Structure


You have a unique perspective on life and it’s showing up front and center, dearest Taurus. You have spent a fair amount of time working hard, in order to get to where you are. Now it’s time to enjoy your progress. Swim across the lake, dance the night away or finally eat dessert. Make it a point to relish the life you have worked so hard to create. 
Keywords: Enjoy, Lively, Inspired


Dive deep, dearest Gemini, into your feelings. Where do you stand within your home and family life? You’re being asked to balance the energy between your career and your personal life. How is this going for you? Make accommodations on either end if need be. 
Keywords: Tribe, Harmony, Dedication


Things have been a little crazy lately, dearest Cancer. You’ve been trying to keep up with all the activities going on, all at once. Your compassionate nature has been put to the test and you may have felt a bit conflicted or limited. Allow yourself some much needed rest and rejuvenation. Leave the dishes in the sink and read a great book, take a bath or swing in the hammock. 
Keywords: Alignment, Focal point, Adjust


It’s important, dearest Leo, to find what makes you feel grounded, then move toward that. You have the energy to make your home life unique and fresh. Finances may be playing a key role right now in your self-confidence building. Find a way to make your house a home and enjoy your time there. 
Keywords: Backbone, Determination, Revenue


You are being asked to get mentally quiet, dearest Virgo. At the end of this month, what has been behind the scenes is going to blow forward into the light of day and dawn brightly. Until then, take the time you need to reflect on your past successes and mistakes. Take a deep breath and relax, then start preparing for the next greatest thing. 
Keywords: Calm down, Unwind, Stride out


You are reaching the end zone on what has come to be, dearest Libra. The goals that you set for yourself, way back when are starting to bear fruit. It’s harvest time. How well has your fruit grown? If you are getting the harvest that you imagined and envisioned, then good for you. If it has fallen short, this is the time to re-evaluate and plan for your future with your clear intention. 
Keywords: Rethink, Revise, Rehash


What you are role modeling is out there for the world to see, dearest Scorpio. And it looks like there are lots of choices at your disposal. So what will you chose to do and be? There are a lot of balls flying in the air all at once so it’s important that you prioritize which ones to catch and which ones to let fall by the wayside. Be the change you want to see. 
Keywords: Pursue, Aim, Trust


It seems like you are feeling right at home, dearest Sagittarius. You are a life long learner and this month may find you pursuing this with gusto. Cultural experiences could be presenting themselves or you might be feeling restless for travel and adventure. All of this sounds fun and exciting. Just remember that it is still appropriate to look before you leap. 
Keywords: Brave, Bold, Stroke of luck


You may be coming across as too serious this month, dearest Capricorn. Yes, you are an able-bodied citizen and can be trusted with the nuclear codes. This is a good thing. But there is a time and place for work and commitment and a time and place for rest and relaxation. Please be an example for both. 
Keywords: Diligence, Perseverance, Simmer down


Relationships with loved ones have come to the foreground, dearest Aquarius. How you relate, what you are willing to compromise and how you show compassion are all things to perfect this month. It’s important that you say exactly what you mean without beating around the bush. Just make sure you do this with more diplomacy than you usually have. If you want to be heard, speak with kindness. 
Keywords: Assurance, Faith, Trust   


Reality is setting in, dearest Pisces. This might present itself as getting your chores finished or it may be that it’s time to figure out how to stay focused long term. When you can complete the mundane jobs with joy, it allows them to flow smoothly. Don’t fight it because you think it is too boring. Embrace the “work” with creativity and purpose so that no matter what you have to do, it’s still bliss. 
Keywords: Advisor, Uplift, Intent